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You might be a terminal motor-head if...

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:50 pm
by Rettax3
You might be a terminal motor-head if...

You keep the bra from your first car in your dresser drawer...

You keep a tube of Engine Assembly Lube on your nightstand...

Your pin-up poster 'girls' had names like 'Corvette', 'Countach', and 'Camaro', and they ALL had four-wheels...

You only buy protective latex gloves.. Actual gloves, and don't understand why nobody would love you without them...

You struggle to find the understanding in the phrase 'Warning: Danger to Manifold"...

You can actually find an explanation for the phrase "Warning: Danger to Manifold"...

You laugh at the ridiculousness of John Candy's 'Woody' Chrysler in "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles", yet in the back of your mind the fact that it is a "Turbo" leaves some part of you liking that car in spite of yourself...

Your friends know to buy you gift-cards for the local autoparts store...

You buy yourself gift-cards for the local autoparts store...

You don't need an oil-change reminder sticker -you can tell it is time by the shade of the oil on the dipstick (and you actually check it regularly!)...

As you are purchasing a new rearview mirror for your car from Amazon, you are surprised to find that they sell books and movies too...

You know that 18436572 is the firing order of a 350 Chevy, but have trouble with your home phone number...

You can determine the year and engine in a car by looking at the VIN...

Your favorite bedtime book is a Chilton manual...

:D Anyone else want to come up with a few? Please keep it clean(ish), and add-on if you think of some!

Re: You might be a terminal motor-head if...

Posted: Sat Nov 24, 2018 6:36 pm
by woody90gtz
I actually made my wifi password 18436572 so the wife had to learn it. Haha