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Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:33 pm
by 99GaGT3X00
the reason why its so quiet over hear is those few people who insist on starting crap arent over here.

it wasnt always totally a shithole at bstuff but the last year or two over there it went down the shitter with the quality of people, and then after the hack it got even worse.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:47 pm
by 1988GTU
Maybe some sorta of vin check ALSO with limited rights until x amount of post for certain areas to be viewed/posted in would be ideal for this site so people without L bodies and "manners" will be picked out of the bunch.  It may not work for everyone, but it will crack down on a lot of asshats.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 1:59 pm
by 99GaGT3X00
there just need to be strict rules made very clear for some people. and set up a 3 strike system kinda like the 3 strike with prison
1st strike= warning
2nd strike= suspension for x amount of days
3rd strike= banned for life

stuff over at bstuff was way too leaniant with the way people felt the need to tell everyone off and the repeat offenders.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:20 pm
by MAJ28

(95BlackZ26 @ Mar. 09 2008,12:26)QUOTEi know every board isdifferent but i saw way too many people get away with murder in some threads. there were threads that should have been closed after the first post but they went on for 4+ pages of bitching and fighting. stuff that wouldnt have flown on any other board.
That's most of the reason people went to bstuff, to get away with anything...

QUOTEstuff over at bstuff was way too leaniant with the way people felt the need to tell everyone off and the repeat offenders.

Yeah that's pretty much it, everyone thought bnet was too strict and then opt'd for the overly abusive bstuff.

I'd love to stay bnet...  I just don't like it visually.  


Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 2:54 pm
by 1988GTU
Being too strict will drive away the relaxed people that have knowledgeable information.  There are plenty of sites that have there fun and know when to put a halt to the garbage.  No one is perfect, treat people how you want to be treated and the favor will be returned to an extent.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:08 pm
by Tempest Driver
I agree, it is much more conversational over here than at bstuff.
Over there it was confrontational.
Way more relaxed feeling here...

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:28 pm
by Mr. Beefy
I think what's going to happen(or already happened) is the people who actually care to be on a car fourm and not a soap opera forum will move over here and start posting here. Bstuff has officially been down since Feb 27th. There have been a couple mins/hours of maybe 1 or 2 days that it was back up but I see this as an omen. Time to move on. The good thing is most of the people who are old timers are already here posting useful information, and not the crap that was flying around bstuff.

Dont get me wrong, drama is amusing after a really shitty day but when it was as flagrant as it was over there, it tends to be annoying. And believe it or not it has driven people away from that site.

Professional enough, but not a stick in the mud. That's what I would like to see.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:05 pm
by Kyle Anderson
I joined here just to see what's up with bstuff...

I gotta say bnet kinda sucks; no one's here!

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:13 pm
by speedygtz
it sucks that no ones here, yea, but more people who actually wanna learn and talk about there cars will join, and i see it this way, if bstuff is officially done, im going to miss all the members over there, but im not going to miss the argueing, wich no matter what anyone says, weve all contributed to in one way or another, theres no way you went into a thread, read some bs, and didnt flag it.... but i liked the thing were you clicked new post, and all the newly replied topics poped up, its not like that over here.....

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:36 pm
by jene

(95BlackZ26 @ Mar. 09 2008,12:33)QUOTEthe reason why its so quiet over hear is those few people who insist on starting crap arent over here.
NOOO>. im here!! ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 4:38 pm
by Kyle Anderson
The three people I know the best aren't here... I would get like 5 PM's a day from Dustin, no joke. Looks like I might actually have to e-mail him for a change. As for Brett and Sara, looks like I might have to pick up the phone for a change, lol

Some people, like Josh (JStegs), I don't even have a way to contact any more... yep, it's pretty lame.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:50 pm
by pimpz26
For some reason I'm not surprised that bstuff shut down.  Too much drama for it to take, so it committed suicide.  I think this board has a lot more to offer, hopefully the drama queens and trouble makers stay away.

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:58 pm
by 99GaGT3X00
the proper burial stone for bstuff

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 6:59 pm
by bonecrrusher
Gone on vacation for 3 days, still down. Boo hoo.

So whos going to turbo there car next, how about the first G6 6 speed swap?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:14 pm
by MikeH
Here are rules on a forum I visit to talk about my Dad's car with people.

The SCMC bulletin board is here for four main reasons and they are:

1) Camaradarie
2) Education
3) Club Promotion
4) Member benefits

If your posts do not have something to contribute that use at least one of these four reasons, your posts will either be edited or deleted and you will be sent an e-mail from a moderator/administrator to correct your behavior.

Our board is also not a means for solicitation by non club members or non approved vendors. Approved vendors can be found on our website or in our newsletter. People who frequent the bulletin board are allowed to post for sale items but must follow the for sale etiquette which may be found in that forum.

What happens if you do not follow the above mentioned rules?

If your posts do not meet the criteria above then you will receive a warning about your posts.

Rule 1.

If your posts are deliberately hateful and flaming then you will be banned from the board for 7 days. If your behavior does not change after 7 days then you will be banned for 6 months. If after 6 months, your posts are still using the same demeaner then you will be banned permanently!

Rule 2.

If you have been banned from the board then you will need to issue an apology to the party that you offended in order to get back on the board. This can be through e-mail or through the forums with the offending party notifying the moderator/administrator that such action has taken place.

Rule 3.

Under no circumstance is an SCMC "approved" vendor to be ridiculed, flamed, or other wise treated in a disrespectful manner. The club works hard to get these vendors to come on board with us and if you have a problem with one then it should be handled in a discrete professional manner through our Marketing manager and official channels.

Rule 4.

No poster is allowed to have a banner or signature promoting any business even if it is an approved vendor. Banners are for your personal vehicle only. No avatar will be allowed to promote any vendor, avatars are for your personal vehicle photo or other photo that meets a "rated G" guideline. Approved SCMC vendors are permitted to promote their business through both avatars and signatures.

Rule 5.

SCMC reserves the right to change, modify, or add to these rules as we see fit. If you have any questions concerning the definition of any of these premises, please e-mail a moderator or administrator with your concerns.