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Shift cables

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:10 am
by 93gt--z
I tore my tranny out the other day, replaced the internal slave, and reassembled everything. Now I can't seem to get the farther back(closest to firewall) shift cable to attach to the pivot pin on the tranny linkage without it hitting the rear tranny mount. WIth it disconnected, it(the end of the cable) looks to be about an inch up further than where it needs to be. I can push it down and attach it, but then it is sitting on the mount, and will not slide. Any ideas whats up?I really need this thing assembled tomorrow.

Shift cables

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:21 pm
by docrodg
Hard to figure out without looking at it.  Is the cable routed properly to that point?  Double check your install of the tranny and make sure it is all correct too.  A quick search of the repair info might give a good pic or diagram of the way it all mounts up and give a clue.  You could also rig a new mount for the cable that moves it away just a hair (1/16 of an inch or so) to clear it up.

Shift cables

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 1:05 pm
by 93gt--z
yeah, everything was routed right. Turns out when I jacked the tranny up, it must have snagged on something, and bent the rear s-shaped lever down a bit. Bent it back up, and she's back together....and it finally runs again!!!lol.

Shift cables

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 11:02 pm
by docrodg
That kinda thing happens all the time.  You bend something lifting or lowering a powertrain in or drop a tiny socket and can't find it.  It is the crap that makes an easy job a PITA.  At least you got it to run again easily without dropping the tranny again!