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BerettaFest 2011 Location Proposals

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:13 am
by quad4berettagtz
Now that we are done working to bring in our new committee members, lets get the proposal party started! Before I post the official rules, I MUST stress the importance of backing up your proposal. If you post a proposal, you will be REQUIRED to assist the committee in planning the event. It is very difficult to put on a quality event if we do not have someone local to help us out. This should not be taken lightly, as you can potentially affect up to 100 people's experience at the event - good or bad.

Enough soap box speech.

Official Bfest '11 Proposal Rules:

For your proposal to be officially accepted (by myself and/or other
committee members) you need to abide by a few ground rules to keep this as
simple as possible for everyone involved. Plus- the better organized the proposal,
the better chance it has to win!

1. All proposals MUST be posted at minimum to the mailing list.
Proposals posted on the message board are good, but you still must post
to the email list. Any proposals submitted ONLY to the board will NOT
be accepted. Voting occurs on the list so that those who are serious in BerettaFest get a say instead of anyone who happens to have a screen name.

2. Your proposal needs to have backround info done on hotels in the
area. Are there many to choose from? What is the price range? You could go a
step further and get group price rates, scout out parking, and if the
Keep your info "generic" so that the hotel identity can be kept confidential.

3. Activities: Group- look for things that we could tour as a group.
Is there a car plant nearby? Big accesory shop or performace parts shop
(GM Heritage Center, Comp Cams, Extrude Hone, Petty Motorsports)?? Or just something that a variety of people will enjoy... keep the options open!
Free time- look for things more specific that people could
do in free time. Is there a touristy area that would be fun to visit?
Theme parks? Zoo? It is a good idea to keep this broad as well.

4. Optional Racing: Since our group is about 50/50 on drag racing, it is
still a worthwhile activity to have mapped out. Look into tracks, prices, drive
time, etc. Another thing to look at is other racing/driving opportunities. In
past Bfests we have road rallied, rented a road course, and autocrossed as well.
Autocrossing is a great alternative to drag racing. Look into possible autox groups that would run events and talk to the organizers... perhaps we could get an event set
up for our weekend.

5. Local help: It is going to be a REQUIREMENT that your area
has local planners willing to help. I would hope that if you are proposing a
site that you would be the obvious choice for this... just don't shout out a
place if you aren't willing to back it up. If your proposal is accepted, you
MUST be willing to help the Bfest Committee in the pre event planning
throughout the year. You may be asked to run to different sites in the
We are looking to upgrade our directions over past years, and you WILL be
an integral part of this. We look forward to your help and input.

6. Tenative Schedule: put together a tenative schedule based on the
usual thursday through sat/sun format we have been running for the last few

We will keep proposals open from now until Monday October 11th at 10pm CST. At that time we will begin the voting for the locations. Voting will be for ONE week - October 11th through October 18th.

Good luck to all the proposals!!