**NEW USERS PLEASE READ*** New Member Post Approvals.
- 3X00-Modified
- Administrator
- Posts: 10912
- Joined: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:18 am
- Location: Brooklyn CT
**NEW USERS PLEASE READ*** New Member Post Approvals.
Your first 5 posts will have to be approved before visible by the general public.
I guess I need to clarify since everyone reads right through this and thinks we are censoring them. The ONLY REASON this is in place is to limit spam. There are multiple posts EVERY DAY from spam users that we need to disapprove. If we did not have this process then the board would be littered with them.
Also there are some forum areas where all posts will require approval, for example the BerettaFest section requires approvals for any and all posts... it keeps the chit chat down in those sections where they are not needed and keeps it to simply information that is needed regarding Bfest, and placed there by those on the committee.
If you post something and it doesn't show up in the section PLEASE don't post it again. It will not change anything other than I need to disapprove one of your posts. I want to say for every new user post where I need to approve it there are two of the same post within 1hr or less of each other... sometimes 10 min.
New spam filter settings regarding external links to photobucket for photos, or links to external websites, as well as using the board photo uploader, User has to have 5 posts minimum, AND the user account has to be active for 5 days.
I need to revise this in confusion from some new members.
Any type of post will count toward your 5 needed approvals before free posting privileges come about. This means any reply to a previous topic, or any new topic you decide to start. As noted none of these posts will show up when you hit submit till we get to them so bear with us.
A common topic that is a good recommendation to start with would be something along the lines of who you are where you hail from and info/pictures of your car. This is true for almost all forums so I don't see why that was miss understood by some.
Any and all posts that are done in an off topic manner asking questions about the post approval process to simply get 5 posts approved will most likely get denied. I'm NOT saying if you post a reply in the Off Topic section TO an already started topic that people are discussing will get disproved, that will most likely get approved. Bottom line if one of your posts is questioning the approval process or any other rule on the forum it wont get approved.
Please if you have any serious questions about the rules on this forum Contact its moderators. Stencil (Admin), Heavywoody, Barry, Rex 2.0, Cliff8928, Styluss or Travelor
Will make any corrections that you see necessary.
Please also Read the General Forum Posting Rules
And the For Sale Thread Suggestions if your are joining to sell a vehicle or parts.
I guess I need to clarify since everyone reads right through this and thinks we are censoring them. The ONLY REASON this is in place is to limit spam. There are multiple posts EVERY DAY from spam users that we need to disapprove. If we did not have this process then the board would be littered with them.
Also there are some forum areas where all posts will require approval, for example the BerettaFest section requires approvals for any and all posts... it keeps the chit chat down in those sections where they are not needed and keeps it to simply information that is needed regarding Bfest, and placed there by those on the committee.
If you post something and it doesn't show up in the section PLEASE don't post it again. It will not change anything other than I need to disapprove one of your posts. I want to say for every new user post where I need to approve it there are two of the same post within 1hr or less of each other... sometimes 10 min.
New spam filter settings regarding external links to photobucket for photos, or links to external websites, as well as using the board photo uploader, User has to have 5 posts minimum, AND the user account has to be active for 5 days.
I need to revise this in confusion from some new members.
Any type of post will count toward your 5 needed approvals before free posting privileges come about. This means any reply to a previous topic, or any new topic you decide to start. As noted none of these posts will show up when you hit submit till we get to them so bear with us.
A common topic that is a good recommendation to start with would be something along the lines of who you are where you hail from and info/pictures of your car. This is true for almost all forums so I don't see why that was miss understood by some.
Any and all posts that are done in an off topic manner asking questions about the post approval process to simply get 5 posts approved will most likely get denied. I'm NOT saying if you post a reply in the Off Topic section TO an already started topic that people are discussing will get disproved, that will most likely get approved. Bottom line if one of your posts is questioning the approval process or any other rule on the forum it wont get approved.
Please if you have any serious questions about the rules on this forum Contact its moderators. Stencil (Admin), Heavywoody, Barry, Rex 2.0, Cliff8928, Styluss or Travelor
Will make any corrections that you see necessary.
Please also Read the General Forum Posting Rules
And the For Sale Thread Suggestions if your are joining to sell a vehicle or parts.