Cigarette adapter is gone
Cigarette adapter is gone
When I Was Cleaning Out My Car I Went To Take The cigarette lighter out and when I Pulled It Came Completely Out and now I dont have A Cigarette Adapter and I normally use one everyday for things such as cellphone charger and others. I Was Wondering On How I Could fix this or if anyone else has had that problem. I Might need directions on how to take the center console out so help is very appreciated.
Cigarette adapter is gone
Most auto part places will sell a kit to fix that right up. While your there grab a repair manual for your car. Not only will it help you with this one but tons more later on.
Cigarette adapter is gone
I would pick one up from the dealer, it will fit the lower conntector. I have yet to see one from the autoparts store that fits perfect. I am not sure of your console year, they are different from 87-90 and 91-96.
Price is $7
Price is $7

1990 Beretta GTZ 1995 Beretta Z26 1996 Beretta Z26
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Cigarette adapter is gone
You might have had the same problem I did. Did it break or just fall apart? Mine fell apart and it fell  down somwhere under the shift plate. Part of it came out with the lighter itself but it isnt broken. If you can find it you can put it back together tighter and it should work fine. If you have an automatic then just use a flat head screw driver and pop off the plate. Turn it so you can get access under there and look for the parts. Its real easy to put back and usually just needs tightening. If you need help putting it together let me know Ive done it a few times. I think it fell apart so I wouldnt go buy one yet.
Cigarette adapter is gone
Thanks For Your Post Guys And Yes It Is Very Similar To The Problem Youve Had Before BerettaLove Instructions On How To Do It Properly Thanks For Your Help