Chevy Beretta Owners Community

Stereo Wire Colors

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Orange wire = battery or constant
Yellow = ACC or switched
Black = Ground
Gray = dimmer ground
Brown = Parking lights

Tan = left front postive
Gray = Left front negative
Lt. Green = right front positve
Dk. Green = right front negative

Brown = left rear postitive
Yellow = left rear negative
Dk. Blue = right rear positive
Lt. Blue = right rear negative

Varify all wires with a volt/ohm meter as the Browns, grays, and yellows are
doubled up look the same. Also, if the factory harness is intact, there are
harness adapters on the market to keep you from butchering the factory
wiring. Also on the rear speakers, sometimes these wires are switched(i.e.
Blue's are left rear), due to previous installs.

92 Quasar Blue GTZq4

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